Hiring Friction Component
Demand Alignment
Demand Alignment refers to your ability to answer the question: How well do we understand the hiring requirements of the business?
Achieving a high degree of demand alignment in your recruitment process means that you can reconcile the talent that’s available in the market to your organization’s future needs. This makes it easier to do workforce planning because you know what roles you’ll need in the future and understand what those roles will look like. You’re able to accurately plan for your organization’s future and staff your recruiting team accordingly.
Lack of Demand Alignment
When organizations lack demand alignment, this is sometimes because they haven’t taken the time to define role requirements or craft thoughtful job descriptions based on future need and availability of talent. This leads to difficulties in making the requisite hires, longer hiring lifecycles and lower satisfaction.
When demand alignment is low friction, organizations have a well-defined and clearly understood framework for role requirements.
They’re not simply copying and pasting old job descriptions or insisting that all candidates have very specific qualifications (and unnecessarily limiting their talent pool as a result).
But when demand alignment is high friction, there’s no future planning, pipelining, or understanding of future needs. There’s no guidance on requirements and individual role specs, which means hiring managers and recruiters are likely to waste time looking for skills or qualifications candidates don’t actually need.
Talent Acquisition Diagnostic assessment
Take the Hiring Friction assessment to benchmark the performance of your recruitment function using the components of the Hiring Friction Maturity Matrix.