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Starcircle: The Hiring Engine

Starcircle’s pioneering platform leverages a combination of AI and human expertise to meet your hiring needs, providing better candidates and faster hires.

Trusted by the world’s most exciting companies.

Triple Your Talent Pool: Activate Passive Talent with AI-Powered Matching and Assessment

Tap into more talent at scale. Dive into a deeper, diverse talent pool, enabling you to meet your immediate hiring needs and set you up for future success.

Accelerate Your Hiring: 50% Faster Time-to-Hire

Improve your time to hire now. Your team can start reviewing high-quality candidate profiles within 24 hours of job description upload.

“What I appreciate most about the relationship with Starcircle is that this is a strong partnership and collaboration. The speed and urgency with how the team in Starcircle conduct themselves is so refreshing. The team is amazing and their ability to pivot to our needs is incredible. The relationship has been nothing but phenomenal!”

Tami Floden
Global Talent Acquisition

Get Back to Recruiting: AI-Powered Retrieval, Curation, Activation, and Pre-Qualification

Let Starcircle’s AI-powered platform do the heavy lifting of discovering, activating, and pre-qualifying potential candidates. Empowering you to get back to the core of your role – recruiting the finest talent.

Make Informed Decisions: Harness Data-Driven Market Insights

Starcircle gives you the power of informed decision-making. Our powerful reporting and data analytics offer actionable insights about market intelligence, candidate availability, and user activity.

How Starcircle Works

Better Candidates - Faster

Designed to make hiring better, Starcircle is built for speed and greatly improves turnaround times for candidates all around the world.

Once a job description has been uploaded, thanks to Starcircle, your recruiters will be reviewing candidates within 24 hours.

After initial candidates appear they can provide feedback, update requirements and continue to review, quickly and easily using features including:

Once reviewing the pipeline, preferred candidates can be added to an ATS or CRM seamlessly.

Quick Candidate Preview

showcases candidate highlights

Instant Augmentation

adds email addresses and social media information

Automated Workflows

enables engagement with candidates

Integrate Your ATS/CRM

Starcircle integrates seamlessly with your existing ATS or CRM, making it an easy addition to your recruitment technology stack. Our platform effortlessly integrates with your ATS, enriching and refreshing your data to rediscover talent that’s already within your reach.

Integrates seamlessly with your ATS

Boost Collaboration and Communication

Starcircle’s user-friendly interface allows effortless collaboration across your team and ours. Share insights, rate candidate profiles, and calibrate your search with our team, all on a single platform.

Find out how Starcircle can revolutionize your hiring

Talk to one of our team today and find out how we can tailor our hiring engine to your specifications.